This page is for testing formatting and highlighting.
Let’s check syntax highlighting for python
import pandas as pd
= pd.read("data/file.csv") df
and R
syntax highlighting
= read_csv("data/file.csv") df
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Contextual Colors
Use the contextual classes to provide “meaning through colors”:
Display Type
Display 1
Display 2
Display 3
Display 4
Display 5
Display 6
This is a lead paragraph. It stands out from regular paragraphs.
Text Features
You can use the mark tag to highlight text.
This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text.
This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate.
This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.
This line of text will render as underlined.
This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.
This line rendered as bold text.
This line rendered as italicized text.
Block Quotes
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
A well-known quote, contained in a blockquote element.
- This is a markdown list.
- It appears styled.
- And looks like a nice list
- of items 1
- items 2
- items 3
- This is a list.
- It appears completely unstyled.
- Structurally, it’s still a list.
- However, this style only applies to immediate child elements.
Nested lists:
- are unaffected by this style
- will still show a bullet
- and have appropriate left margin
- This may still come in handy in some situations.
- Description lists
- A description list is perfect for defining terms.
- Term
Definition for the term.
And some more placeholder definition text.
- Another term
- This definition is short, so no extra paragraphs or anything.
- Truncated term is truncated
- This can be useful when space is tight. Adds an ellipsis at the end.
- Nesting
- Nested definition list
- I heard you like definition lists. Let me put a definition list inside your definition list.
A paragraph of placeholder text. We’re using it here to show the use of the clearfix class. We’re adding quite a few meaningless phrases here to demonstrate how the columns interact here with the floated image.
As you can see the paragraphs gracefully wrap around the floated image. Now imagine how this would look with some actual content in here, rather than just this boring placeholder text that goes on and on, but actually conveys no tangible information at. It simply takes up space and should not really be read.
And yet, here you are, still persevering in reading this placeholder text, hoping for some more insights, or some hidden easter egg of content. A joke, perhaps. Unfortunately, there’s none of that here.
Since R Markdown use the bootstrap framework under the hood. It is possible to benefit its powerful grid system. Basically, you can consider that your row is divided in 12 subunits of same width. You can then choose to use only a few of this subunits.
Here, I use 3 subunits of size 4 (4x3=12). The last column is used for a plot. You can read more about the grid system here. I got this result showing the following code in my R Markdown document.